Monday, November 21, 2011

the beginning!

Let this be the first official post of all things great to come!

I should be keeping track of when I officially started Courtney Smith Photography but of course - I'm not. Let me look back... let's say October 2010. An entire year later, some experience under my belt, and I'm excited for what the new year will bring.

I'll make this first post a short one but I want to make sure to thank those who have helped me the most in this first year...

*  A *huge* thank you to my cousin, Neen, and absolutely wonderful graphic designer. Without her expertise, my logo and everything related would not have happened. I absolutely love all of it!

*  Thank you to my Friend (also a graphic designer) for all the help printing labels and such. Everything turned out so nice :)

Thank you sista Casey for all the editing in the beginning (and when I'm swamped) and watermark adding. You've done a great job and I promise to reimburse you with kisses and hugs when I get my MacBook Pro with a 17" screen (she will be mineeee)  ;)

*  Last but definitely not least... to all my family and especially Dave and the kids for being so patient and helpful while I'm away. I most definitely couldn't do this without you! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. AW! Thank YOU right back! You're so very talented and it's been a pleasure helping each other out :) I can't wait to follow this new blog :) :) :)
